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  • The Apg23 recommendations to the ..
    On November 4, Italy, represented in Geneva by a delegation led by the Undersecretary for Foreign Affairs, Manlio Di...
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    11 November 2019
  • Building peace and reconciliation..
    The 21 September 2019 has marked the International Day of Peace, a day established by the General Assembly of the United N...
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    20 September 2019
  • Solidarity: right or crime?
    The theme of the criminalization of humanitarian actors and members of civil society who show solidarity with migrants and...
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    16 July 2019
  • Climate Change: it is happening h..
    The Parallel Event held the 26 June 2019 during the 41st Regular Session of the Human Rights Council about the environment...
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    26 June 2019
  • A Ministry of Peace in every state
    The Geneva Apg23 team launches this proposal: to create a Ministry of Peace in all the nations of the world. An innovative...
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    09 October 2018
  • Human rights: a new high commissi..
    The 39th Human Rights Council, which takes place from 10 to 28 September 2018, marked the beginning of the mandate in the ...
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    25 September 2018
  • The proposal of the Ministry of P..
    September 21st - from 1pm to 2.30pm - Palazzo delle Nazioni, Room XXV - Geneva During the 39th Session of the Human Rig...
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    21 September 2018
  • A proposal to eradicate prostitut..
    The 38th session of the Human Rights Council takes place in Geneva these days  and our office has promoted  various activi...
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    02 July 2018
  • International Solidarity: a right..
    On Thursday, June 8th 2017, the international office of APG23, in collaboration with the Catholic Working Group on the Rig...
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    28 June 2017
  • We say stop to maternal mortality
    During the 34th session of the Human Rights Council a panel was held the 9th of march, 2017 among a group of experts and d...
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    29 March 2017
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