While in these days the Italian parliament is discussing the law-proposal “Cirinnà”, in Geneva the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) publishes a report entitled “Protection of the family: contribution of the family to the realization of the right to an adequate standard of living for its members, particularly through its role in poverty eradication and achieving sustainable development” (A/HRC/31/37).
For a few years, already, a transversal group of States belonging to the Human Rights Council (HRC) has been bringing forth the issue of “Protection of the Family”.
In July 2015, through the resolution Res/29/22(29 Countries in favour, 14 against and 4 abstained), the HRC charged OHCHR with preparing the above mentioned report A/HRC/31/37, which is now public.
In this report we have a summary of all the contributions received from different States and more than 70 Non Governmental Organizations (NGOs) from all over the world.
APG23 sent its own contribution, too. We defended the concept of “natural family” as a stable union of a man and a woman open to procreation and as a basic cell of human society. Our contribution was also focused on the added value of the home-family, a substitute family inspired by the natural model.
The concept we clearly expressed of the family being “the first shield against any form of violation of children’s rights” has been quoted in this report. Surprisingly, we are the only NGO quoted.
(Apg23 Geneva)