Kamba Song - Apg23 2015
Questo è la canzone dell'estate 2015 per i giovani Apg23. Campi di condivisione, in Italia e in tanti paesi del mondo, balleranno al ritmo africano di "Kamba Song". Tutti siamo uniti.
"... In forza della mia incomple...
Questo è la canzone dell'estate 2015 per i giovani Apg23. Campi di condivisione, in Italia e in tanti paesi del mondo, balleranno al ritmo africano di "Kamba Song". Tutti siamo uniti.
"... In forza della mia incompletezza io divento complementare a te e poi faccio la scoperta grande che Dio mi dà: io sono uomo nella misura che rimango con te perchè Dio ha creato l'uomo a sua immagine e somiglianza, Lui è uno in tre, noi uno in 5 miliardi. L'uomo ha un bisogno prepotente di essere amato e di amare!" - cit. Don Oreste Benzi
SCARICA GRATUITAMENTE MP3 di "KAMBA SONG": https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B9P297fQSCcQYmtfbjBtd2I1b1k
I was walking down the street
and I see a man crying
he tells me he has no job
and his family is so far away
Together we cry
Yeah It’s difficult to understand
but there we were,
we were standing face to face
I care about you just because we are
under the same sky
so take my hand, come on, and sing aloud
la la la la la la
Stand up for your love - for your love
Rise up for my love – pamoja
My love is your love - upendo wa Mungu
We all are very close
We are joined by body and soul
We are joined by body and soul
By body and soul we are joined
We are part with our Lord
We are a big family
Kamba song! Come on and dance until the night is gone!
Running down the road
and I see a little child
in a corner with a gun
when he should be having fun
Together we cry
Yeah It’s difficult to understand
but there we were,
we were standing face to face
I care about you just because we are
Sons of the same God
so take my hand, come on, and sing aloud
la la la la la la
Stand up for freedom - your freedom
Come up my freedom - pamoja
Mine and your freedom - Uhuru kwa wote
We all are very close
We are tied body and soul
We are a gigantic family
Rise your hands and let’s rejoyce
Let’s God loves you as you are
Let’s God loves you
Kamba song! Come on and dance until the night is gone!
I was walking in a park
and I see a woman crying
she is forced to sell her body
and no one says a word
Together we cry
Yeah It’s difficult to understand
but there we were,
we were standing face to face
I care about you just because we are
Loved by Jesus
so take my hand, come on, and sing aloud
la la la la la la
Stand up for your joy - for your joy
Hold on for my joy - together
My joy is your joy - furaha kwa wote
Let us all rejoice
Stand up for your love - for my love
Stand up for freedom - for freedom
Stand up for your joy - for my joy
Stand up for Jesus
Stand up for Yeshua - Yeshua
Stand up for Yesu - Yesu
Stand up for Jesu - Jesu
Stand up for Jesus
Stand up!
per Apg23 – 2015
Testo e Musica: Matteo Santini
VUOI INFO SU GIOVANI APG23: https://www.apg23.org/ambiti-dintervento/condivisione-giovani/campi-di-condivisione/
VUOI INFO SU OFFICINE DEGLI SCARABOCCHI: https://officinescabocchi.wordpress.com/
VUOI INFO SU PICCOLA PIAZZA D'ARTI RIMINI: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Piccola-Piazza-dArti-Rimini/210902685737471?fref=ts
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